Webinar: Increasing and measuring your research impact using online resources

The Early Career Researcher sub-committee of the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society will be hosting a half day interactive webinar.

Aim: The course is suitable for students and early career researchers who are looking to further their research impact and for those applying for grants in the near future. Our aim is to upskill researchers to increase their online presence where suitable for their career pathway, expand their research network, boost the visibility of their research and measure this impact, and take science communication into consideration when designing their projects. The course will be split into four components:

Using social media actively to connect with other researchers

  • Boundaries and privacy
  • What options are out there and what is best for you
  • How to reach out to other groups and researchers


  • Building your audience
  • Effective use for promotion of your work
  • Posting an engaging tweet about your research

Measuring your impact

  • Online resources to measure citations and interpret this
  • How can you measure your impact in other ways?
  • Guest speaker Dr Liz Harris, Senior Research Advisor at La Trobe

Designing your research with impact and engagement in mind

  • Research impact inside and outside of academia
  • Case studes from the Excellence in Research Australia Engagement and Impact Assessment
  • How to write impact statements on grant applications
  • Guest Speaker Wade Kelly, Senior Coordinator Research Impact at La Trobe

Where: The course will run at Room 201, Biological Sciences 1, La Trobe University Bundoora campus and concurrently via webcast. Details for the webcast will be sent to you prior to the Seminar. If you would like to attend on campus, please email

The webinar will be hosted through Zoom. While speakers are presenting, please ensure your microphone is on mute. If you have a question, please email through to and these will be monitored.

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