The 5th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Conference
26 Nov 2015 to 29 Nov 2015 ~ Auckland, New Zealand

2015 Student Travel Awardees, sponsored by the ACNS
- Patrick Cooper, University of Newcastle
- Talitha Ford, Swinburne University of Technology
- Hazel Godfrey, Victoria University of Wellington
- Louise Kyriaki, University of South Australia
- Jessica McFadyen, The University of Queensland
- Ella Moeck, Flinders University
- Lena Oestreich, University of New South Wales
- Natalie Rens, The University of Queensland
- Kristina Wiebels, University of Auckland
2015 Student Presentation Prizes, sponsored by the ARC Centres of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders (CCD) and for Integrative Brain Function (CIBF)
PhD Oral: Luke Hearne
Honours/Masters Oral: Patrick Skippen
PhD Poster: Cooper Smout, Lisa Wittenhagen and Erika Contini
Honours/Masters Poster: Poutasi Watson Baker Urale