Welcome to the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society (ACNS) web site. We are an academic society focused on the scientific study of the biological or brain foundations of mental processes and behaviour.

We welcome members from disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, psychiatry, neurology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy, all with an interest in the relationships between the brain, mind, and behaviour.

ACNS Travel Award

Applications are NOW OPEN, closing on Thursday 24th April.

The inaugural ACNS Travel Grant aims to provide support to early career cognitive neuroscientists in Australasia to pursue a period of time abroad.

More details can be found here.

Contact acns@acns.org.au if you have any questions.

Upcoming Conferences

The 14th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference (2025)

Melbourne, Australia (Monash University & Deakin University), week of 24th November.

The 14th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference will be co-hosted by Monash University and Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.

More details to follow shortly.

Contact conference@acns.org.au if you have any questions.

ACNS Open Letter

The ACNS Executive’s Open Letter to the VCs of the Australian National University and Macquarie University, on the proposed closure and merging of premier neuroscience and cognitive science departments. 

On 31 March 2021, the ACNS Executive released this open letter, addressed to Prof. Brian Schmidt of ANU, Prof. Bruce Dowton of Macquarie University and Australian neuroscientists and cognitive scientists. We encourage our members to read and share this letter widely.

To our fellow Australian neuroscientists and cognitive neuroscientists:

We acknowledge that many of our members and colleagues are facing unemployment.  Many of our students are struggling to see a future in academia in Australia.  And, with fewer supervisors, many students will be unable to undertake a PhD in cognitive neuroscience in the future.  There are major issues across our entire pipeline of Australian cognitive neuroscience research. We know that this is an unsettling time for all Australian cognitive scientists and neuroscientists.  Please reach out to any member on the ACNS Executive if you’d like to talk.  We would like to hear about your experiences and how we can help.

2020 ACNS Mental Health Survey

In 2020, the ACNS ECR Committee surveyed our membership, and the message was clear: many of us are struggling through difficult times. So, the ACNS Executive have put together this important resource for our Society. We hear from our President, A/Prof Tom Carlson, and Gemma Lamp shares her experiences as a cognitive neuroscientist living with mental health challenges. We present the findings from the 2020 ACNS Mental Health Survey, and provide important details on how to seek support if you need it.

Become an ACNS member

By joining the ACNS you will be supporting this academic association for cognitive neuroscience in Australia and New Zealand.

Members receive discount registration at the annual ACNS Conference and regular updates about upcoming events. You must be a member of the ACNS to present at the annual ACNS conference and to apply for any ACNS Awards.

Already a member?

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🌍 NEW: ACNS Travel Award! 🌍

Supporting early career cognitive neuroscientists in Australasia to travel abroad & build collaborations

📅 Applications open NOW! Close April 24, 2025
💰 Up to $2,500
🔗 More info:


🚀 Two fully funded PhD positions at the Behavioural Sciences & Technology Hub, UTS! 🚀

1️⃣Human-Robot Collaboration (Dr. Milan Andrejevic)
🔗 Details:

2️⃣ Mental Privacy & Neurotech (A/Prof Kiley Seymour)
🔗 Details: https://lnkd.in/gQ7VKHdD


🎉 New for 2025! 🎉 The ACNS International Webinar Series kicks off with Dr. Chris Baker (@NIMHgov), expert in learning & plasticity 🧠✨

📅 Feb 20 | 🖥️ Zoom | 🎟️ ACNS members only
Don’t miss out—register now! 🔗

#Neuroscience #BrainPlasticity #ACNS

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